About JSSF

A Non Profit Trust


We at JSSF have focused our activities on the three basic necessities of life. Like Education, Health and Livelihood. Since women and children are our major target groups, our efforts have been directed in the direction of Education.

We are trying to develop among the children, a yearning to learn. In Health, we are trying to break taboos and superstitions and promote the practices of sanitation and hygiene. In Livelihood, income-generation through cost-effective measures are sought.

We are receiving admirable support from the Government who besides funding are also participating in our activities as partners. They have in Fact become an enabling Organization. Even the Civil Society at the national level is providing us good support. Our interventions in Delhi have started paying dividends.

However, there is no room for complacency. Changes at all levels are taking place at a rapid pace. The world is no longer the way it was. Scientific methods, effective communication, and modern practices will have to be initiated.

We are confident of tackling the challenges successfully to march towards our mission.

Trust Deed
ISO 9001


JSSF aims to raise the standard of living of the poorest of the poor to enable them to enter the mainstream society developed on the principals of equity and social justice.


To enable the deprived to attain sustainable live hood through empowerment for social, economic, and political development, with special focus on women.

Our Values

JSSF views development as a process of empowerment focusing on people’s participation through the formation of CBOs at the local level and participation of the PRIs and the Civil Society.

We Do A Let To Make All The Children Of The World Happy

call or WhatsApp us right now @ 9313697655